Wednesday, May 6, 2015


  1.  We did lots of different thing in this class. We had different topics and sections for the writings.  We had a art sections where we wrote about pictures we say, and stories they reminded us of. I enjoyed mostly when we did artsy things, like the poster board and the book projects. I got really into those and i had a lot more inspiration for them. 
  2. we read a few different little pieces threw out the class, the one i remember the most is the one about the bird in the cage.It stood out to me the most compared  to all the other things we read. It was just really pretty, and sad.
  3. It was really easy setting he blog up since iv had many of these in that past. I really couldn't think of a title so i went with "just a blog", manly because its nothings interesting as are the things on my blog.I'm sure some class mates or even random people have read some things on it, hopefully note a ton of people have. I don't like my writing much, im not good with words. I have my own personal blog that i run,and at times ill go on little rants, and tell about my life, even sometimes a poem. I plan to keep posting on that blog.
  4. We did a ton of little writings in out notebooks, It really helped with writing stories and poems. In honestly so embarrassed by my own writing, i wouldn't even want my future self to read my notebook. I do plan to keep writing at lest a little everyday. Maybe note poems or anything, but little notes about my day, or interesting things that happen. 
  5. "The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. Another day waking up next to someone I’ve grown to hardly know. I force myself out of bed, sliding my feet into worn slippers. I begin my daily routine. I make my way to the closet and laying out my husband’s clothes for the day. Then I was off to the kitchen to make breakfast and pack lunches for the 3 members of my family, while also slipping something extra into my own coffee to help me get threw another breakfast with people who no longer knew how to care. My two children were once the brightest thing in my live, aside from my husband, but kids grow up, no longer caring to spend time with their “mommy”. They both rush out grabbing their bags and making it last minute to the bus"
  6.  "This is someone Ive known my whole life, my sister. someone i spent many nights making forts out of old sheets,and watching the same movies over and over again. Someone id play video games with all day, and fight over who got to be what player.   Someone who was always there to comfort me about stupid boys"
  7. I might keep writing a little. Ive learned how i can put writing into my own artwork. The pictures can inspire stories and help people to better understand the point and meaning behind my artwork.
  8. Don't over think your writing. Just go with the flow, and use bigger words then you usually world. You can find inspiration in almost anything if you just look around. Don't worry about making everything sound pretty and proper.

Friday, May 1, 2015

This is..

This is someone Ive known my whole life,
my sister.
someone i spent many nights making forts out of old sheets,and watching the same movies over and over again.
Someone id play video games with all day, and fight over who got to be what player.  
Someone who was always there to comfort me about stupid boys.

This is someone i wish i could be more like, 
someone can makes friends with anyone, anywhere they go.
someone who always knows how to have fun, and the best out of a situation.

This is someone we weren't sure if they would still be alive today,
someone we had to watch struggle to get healthy, and to love themselves. 

This is someone who has grown so much.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Photos of the millennium (so far...)

             Three young women from the New York Fashion Week pose next to a homeless man

All I seem to see anymore is people focused more on them selfies and things that only affect them, and looking down or ignore others who aren’t on their “level”. People tend to forget about the high % of homeless people we have in our country. And this photo 100% shows how most privileged people view the homeless. The fact that you can tell these girls went out of their way to take this photo, with no sympathy for the homeless man next to them, more than likely making petty jokes as they walk away to finish out there glamorous week. People who are privileged and have things in life need to understand not everyone has those opportunity to have the same. Many of those people there have no idea what it’s like to have nothing, and there for have no feelings for anyone but themselves. Now people are even putting up spikes around business in larger cities to keep the homeless away. Parks are having gates around them. How about use that money to improve the few homeless shelters we have. And a lot of the time the people can only stay in a home for a day if any because they are so overfilled with people.  Knowing a close family friend who was homeless at one time, and hearing about how they were treated is disusing, and even the lack of care in the short stay they are allowed in the homeless shelter. The homeless shouldn't be ignore or looked down on, we don't know their situation in life, and we should learn to understand and want to help

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

101 things

1. I love watching old movies
2. Pugs are my favorite dogs
3. I love Steve Buscemi
4. I paint and draw in all my free time
5. I am bad at grammer
6. I have 1 cat named Iggy
7. I really love my cat
8. I'm from Arkansas 
9. I don't like Missouri
10. I have one sister who is 21 and shes my best friend
11. Im a little white girl
12. I cant jump rope
13. I love bagel bites
14. I cant run very fast
15. Im bad at writing
16. I art
17. I saw a bird fall off a fence once
18. I have a friend named Laura who has a friend named Brandon
19. Im hot Cuz im fly
20. You aint cuz ur not
21. This is why im hot
22. Old people worry me
23. I fell down the stairs last week.
24. I ate 6 burritos once then cried
25. People think im wired ?
26. I use to dress in all leopard print.
27. Boys makes me nervous.
28. So do girls.
29. I rewatched the first season of Friends 7 times.
30. I LOVE butts
31. I have a anime body pillow
32. I punch a boy in the throat once for calling me fat
33. Im chubby, and chubby people are hot
34. I don't trust skinny twig boys
35. I really love Garrick, hes truly such a pure soul.
36. I watched my sister shoot herself with a airsoft gun because she didn't think it would hurt because  its called airSOFT gun
37. I snore
38. I think leonardo dicaprio deserves a oscar
39. I dont understand the movie  inception
40. My dad is bald and it scares all my friends alway
41. I really like anime and its kinda bad cuz i think about it in class and it makes me cry
42. I have a dog named Moo
43. He is scared of cows
44. I cant read cursive handwriting
45. I went to a Lutheran school for 5 years
46. My teacher there told me God was mad at me cuz i cried when my grandmother died so i tried to make a voodoo doll of him, I was 9.
47. I really hated my Lutheran school.
48. I dont belong to any religion
49. I do believe in a afterlife
50. I use to try and ghost hunt
51. I sleep with a night light
52. I laugh way to loud
53. I yell a lot when i get excited
54. I take a lot of baths
55. I fell asleep in the bath and almost drowned
56. It was kinda funny tbh
57. I dont what a hashtag is.
58. I love OJ
59. I wear boys underwear , boxers are comfy
60. I just watched Laura smack herself
61. I always win at rock paper scissors
62. Im single as a pringle
63. I worship Lady Gaga
64. I don't shave. long hair dont care
65. I have more armpit hair then 99% of all freshman boys
66. I love the x-files
67. I believe in aliens 
68. I hope to be abducted by them
69. lol
70. I have short nasty hair
71. Nose bleeds are cute
72. I dress like a bum
73. Boy buns annoy me, like the hair , stop it boys
74. I think all white boys like the Sid from Ice Age
75. I work at burger king
76. I made a facebook for my dog
77. I sneeze really softly
78. I love taxidermy
79. I have a taxidermy rat doll
80. Im really shy
81. I punched a boy in 1ts grade cuz he tried to kiss me
82. I dont like Jane
83. I feel awkward singing in the shower
84. I have really frizzy hair
85. I talk to my cat
86. I hate Ross from Friends
87. I talk to myself at work
88. Everything gives me anxiety
89. I cant pee if other people are in the bathroom.
90. I take to many selfies
91. I look better in selfies then in person
92. jk i love jane dont tell her
93. jk again i hate jane
94. I play to many video games and cry about them
95. Boys with long hair make my knees weak
96. I kissed a boy with long hair once and cried because i felt blessed
97. I dont like long hair on girls tho
98. Girls will rule the world one day
99. I like to google my own name
100. Im scared of butterflies
101. Im really glad this is done wowza (credz to Laura)

Lyrics Shuffle

Youre the fear, I don't care
Cause you know I love the plays
You can see the world you brou8ght to life, to life
I wanna be your left hand man
So love me like you do, love me like you do
Cause we're young and we're reckless
You can tell me when its over
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my life
Follow me to the dark

Thursday, April 2, 2015


  • How was it made?  clay on a metal frame
  • Who made it?Ellen Jewett
  • Where did the clay come from? n/a
  • Whats the piece for or part of? Her dream like sculptures
  • What does it remind you of? The forest.
  • Is it funny? Scary? or something else? Its calming to me.
  • What time is it from? 2000's

Works inspired by Edward Hopper

A lot of Arkansas is wooded, and perfect for exploring. So on many of the warmer days of the year I and my friends set off for the woods. We get backpacks and fill them with everything we need for the adventure.  We bring lots of water, food, and our cameras. We always make a big deal of it, and have a big group of people to come with us. Usually we just find little creeks, or small caves we can explore in. But once we came across a railroad that no longer looked like it was running. So of course we decided to follow down it. We eventually made it down to where we found a few abandoned old rusty train carts. They had nothing in them but the sides were all covered with spray-paint and lots of paintings. So we decided the next day we’d come back with some paint of our own and make out contribution to the trains lovely works of art. We made a habit of going down there a lot, and eventually found more. Going on long adventures in Arkansas with my friends is probably what I miss most.