Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Music in my life.

2. My "favorite" song changes like once a week. I'll find a song I love and over and over again until I’m sick of it. But my current favorite song at the moment is Gooey by Animal Glass. It’s just a chill calming song that helps to listen to when I’m feeling nervous.

3. My music had been the same for a really long time. Ives always enjoyed more upbeat tunes. I’m not a person who looks way into the song and the lyrics. As long as it’s appealing to my ears and doesn’t make me sad I usually enjoy it. I like a lot of the same bands as I did when I was younger.

4. I always learn towards happy fun upbeat stuff, and I’m sure that’s weird since I’m not a super peppy girl. I like fast songs because it always seems to cheer me up. Who wants to listen to things that sound sad and slow? I really really cannot listen to metal or rap what so ever. It’s so icky sounding and makes me uneasy. And no one in my family has ever enjoyed that type of music so I didn’t grow up around it.

8. I’ve always admired the music of of Montreal, They always seemed to care so much about their music, and seeing them live you can tell how much they just love what they are doing. They just have so much fun with it, and have grown a lot as a band, and have been together for over 10 years and have stayed true to themselves and their type of music, they haven’t changed but still all their albums sound so good and not just the same song over and over again.

11. I think music can help people heal. Personally I’m not really connected to music like a lot of people, but with my sister it’s helped so much. She’s always struggled with depression and stuff along those lines, but music and writing songs has helped her keep stable and helped deal with some of her depression.

12. One thing I always notice in movies is the music, it can really help sent a mood. Of course in scary movies, how would you know somethings going to happen unless there’s that scary music playing? Songs can set sad or happy tones even if the scene is complete different then the song that’s playing.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw the strangest "scary" movie with the quirkiest music choices this weekend. It Follows. It got great reviews but I can' t say I would agree.
